
Thursday, October 21, 2010

No More Rain!

As a friend of mine put it, NY has been raining shit on me lately. :) However, I'm done. Ok, background...it's been a while since I've posted...

I'm working two jobs and taking 13 graduate credits. It's hard, and I'm finding myself perpetually tired, on edge, and worst of all: emotionally drained. Unfortunately, that's really difficult when you're 3000 miles away from anyone that can refill that. But, we're doing our best.

The past couple days have been exceptionally hard. After a not-so-pleasant Tuesday, yesterday was a full-out down pour of shit-storm. I received a bad grade in class, so I was already bummed walking back home. Then, I got my mail and opened it up. I realized that it was an order from the court. As many of you know, I've been fighting all this for 2 years. Well, it just got really f'd up last night. In the notice I received, they had gotten the order completely backwards. They'd ordered me to pay him and all this other stuff was wrong. I was already frustrated with my grade, and now this!

Then, my friend Ting (used to live across the hall from me, when I was in the old room) knocked on my door. She said everything that was in the kitchen is now gone. WHAT!? All our cooking utensils and cookware (pots and pans) are gone, including the wire 4-shelf rack they were on. And all the rice cookers from the table. WTF!? So we went to our CA (kinda like and RA in undergrad but less to do with personal stuff, basically just a liaison between residents and U staff). She said she'd look into it and let us know. She then sends out an email informing the floor of our finding and adds a nice note about, basically, remember: you put things in the kitchen at your own risk. Just a nice CYA for U staff to not have to pay for our crap if it's gone. Anyway, weird mystery of the night...just one more frustration as I couldn't cook now or do my dishes (since my sponge and dish soap were with my stuff).

But...I'm done with the rain!

This morning I woke up to a glorious sound! What most of you would find annoying, I find very very exciting. It was the sound a tea kettle makes as it just starts to whistle, the really soft high pitched noise...that's right... I HAVE HEAT!!!!!! Now, I'm determined to have a good day. All's right in the world, right? They finally fixed the shower (3 weeks after the promised date), so I can return to my favorite shower; I have heat, so I can actually stay in my room without 9 layers of clothing (don't laugh, one day it was required); and I'm going to insist on clearing all this up with the courts today...no voicemails allowed!

And while it may be cloudy and gloomy today outside, it's bright and sunny in my room where I've made a turn around. Thanks to everyone that stuck with me through the storm.


1 comment:

  1. And you didn't mention any of this to me why?!?

    I would have helped, called someone, sent you a happy email, something! I can just listen while you vent if need be! Next time, call me!

    Glad to hear things are turning around, and that you have heat! That's awesome!

    Love you! :)
